The Vision
The arena for international business.
In order to achieve this vision, we’re building a network of entrepreneurs, organizations, authorities, innovators and experts in international business. We bring together people with wide-ranging experience and backgrounds in an environment where diverse ideas and perspectives can evolve into something greater. Because, to put it simply, sharing knowledge between business sectors is the key to success. Together, we can innovate, inspire and share resources that benefit us all.
A community like no other
With sustainability in focus
Any future-facing project must be grounded in the understanding that sustainability – on all levels – is vital to our survival, both as businesses and individuals. Our owners, Elof Hansson Properties and Alecta Properties, have pursued far-sighted goals for a century or more.
Vi har bland annat konkretiserat vårt engagemang i våra byggplaner. Vårt mål är att uppnå miljöcertifiering enligt BREEAM Excellent för vårt projekt. Masthuggskajen som helhet strävar också efter att bli miljöcertifierad enligt Citylabs.
As a member of Global Business Gate, you actively participate in our sustainability work by following our Code of Conduct. This includes social and ethical sustainability, particularly concerning staff and partners. In short, our community is making a mutual commitment to sustainable business.