The race for Global Talent – and Gothenburgs position in it

Summary After three successful Global Business Gate Days (focused on Gothenburg’s trade with China, US and EU respectively), on November 22nd 2019 it was time for Global Business Gate Day # 4. This time, the focus was exclusively on recruiting talents – no matter where they come from. The pursuit of talent is global For […]

West Sweden – China, with focus on trade and finance

Summary – Yet another proof of concept On May 17th 2019 the third Global Business Gate Day was arranged. In the midst of escalating trade difficulties, we had the honour to meet, and listen to, the Acting Consul General of China and the Minster of Foreign Trade of Sweden as well as several other distinguished speakers. […]

Is the door to the US market about to close?

Summary The 19th October 2018, it was time for the second Global Business Gate Day. This time the event’s focus was our, and EU’s, current and future trade relations with the US. With the heading “Is the door to the US market about to close?” the stage was set for an interesting day. It started […]

Ett exklusivt samtal om internationell handel

Sammanställning och värdering av dialogarbete Den 23 februari 2018 ägde Global Business Gate Day #1 rum – ett exklusivt samtal om internationell handel. Sammantaget 40 deltagare från näringsliv, politik och akademi, uppdelade i sex grupper tog fram åtta nya punkter som svar på frågeställningen ”En utmaning för Göteborg som du skulle vilja ha extra belyst”. Till […]