
We are now an official TEDxGöteborg partner

We proudly announcing Global Business Gate as an official TEDxGöteborg partner.

Global Business Gate have chosen to become a partner with TEDxGöteborg, known for their fostering inspiring ideas, as we see significant benefits in aligning ourselves with them to attract creative and innovative businesses, while building a networking and relationship-building platform. We also see the opportunity to reach potential members and gain valuable ambassadors for Global Business Gate.

– With their bold, community-building vision, emphasizing technology, design, and connectivity, we are thrilled to have Global Business Gate as a partner. Through their support and collaboration, TEDxGöteborg can further discover, coach, and amplify ideas from our next generation of regional thought leaders, says Daniel Machacek, Licensee, TEDxGöteborg.

We really look forward to a rewarding collaboration with TEDxGöteborg.



Ett händelserikt år har passerat för Global Business Gate, där vi sett ett växande engagemang från såväl svenskt näringsliv som ...

Vi är stolta och glada över att dela en milstolpe i vårt kontorsprojekt. Den 19 december slog vi den sista ...

Idag fick vi möjligheten att presentera Global Business Gate och de koncept som arenan bygger på vid Lindholmen Science Parks ...

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